Mario Sansone

- Indirizzo:
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione
Via Claudio, 21
80125 - Napoli
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- Telefono:
- +39 (0)81 7683807
- Fax:
- +39 (0)81 7683804
- Curriculum Vitae:
Mario Sansone was born in Naples, Italy, in 1970.
He took his degree in Electronic Engineering in 1997, at University of Naples “Federico II”.
In 1997 he worked as scientific collaborator in the framework of a research about Atrial Fibrillation Research (an ISS project) at the Biomedical Engineering Unit of the Dept. of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications of the University "Federico II" of Naples.
In 2001, he got the PhD in Biomedical Engineering at University of Bologna, Italy.In 2001 he worked as scientific collaborator in the framework of a research about telematic cardio-tocography (TOCOMAT project) at the Biomedical Engineering Unit of the Dept. of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications of the University "Federico II" of Naples.
Since 2001 he is Research Assistant at the Dept. of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications - Biomedical Engineering Unit at the University of Naples.
In all these years he has been speaker in many scientific national and international conferences, as documented from the scientific publications.
Since November 2007 he is a Researcher at the Dept. of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications - Biomedical Engineering Unit at the University of Naples.