Mario Cesarelli was born in Naples, Italy in 1955. He received the Italian degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples in 1979 and post-graduate specialization in Biomedical Technologies from the University of Naples.
Since 1981 up to 1989 he was Scientific Technician at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of University of Naples.
Since 1989 up to 1992 he was a researcher in Biomedical Engineering at the Dept. of Electronic Engineering of the University of Naples.
Since 1992 up to the present he was appointed Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering and he teaches Biomedical Signal Processing at the Univ. "Federico II" of Naples. He also teaches Biomedical topics in under-graduate courses and in the post-graduate schools of the Faculties of Medicine and Surgery at the Universities of Naples.
He is a member of the Teaching Board of the PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Bologna.
His main fields of scientific interests are: biomedical instrumentation; bio-signal and image analysis; health care information system.
He was visiting professor at the Institute for Rehabilitation Research (I.R.V.) in Hoensbroek, The Netherlands in 1995.
In 2000-2001 he actively participated at Clinical Engineering activities at Local Health Unit Napoli 2.
He is co-ordinator of the Didactic Commission for the course in Electronic Engineering having the assignment of instructing and orienting the programs of education for the students.
He is member of the "Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Medica e Biologica" (AIIMB) affiliated with the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE).
At present he is author and co-author of many publications about this topics.
In all these years he has been speaker in many scientific national and international conferences, as documented from the scientific publications.