Emilio Andreozzi

- Indirizzo:
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione
Via Claudio, 21
80125 - Napoli
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- Curriculum Vitae:
Emilio Andreozzi received his MSc. degree (with honors) in Electronic Engineering in July 2017 from the "Federico II" University of Naples.
From 2018 to 2020 he joined the Ph.D. program in "Information Technology and Electrical Engineering", at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies of the "Federico II" University of Naples, and obtained the Ph.D. (with honors) with additional "Doctor Europaeus" title, after defending a thesis entitled "Real-Time Quantum Noise Suppression In Very Low-Dose Fluoroscopy".
From December 2021 he is an Assistant Professor (RTD-A) at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies of the "Federico II" University of Naples.
The main research interests of Emilio Andreozzi are in the fields of "Biomedical sensors and instrumentation" and "Biomedical signal and image processing" with particular focus on:
- wearable mechanical sensors for cardio-respiratory monitoring
- mechanical sensors for muscle monitoring and prostheses control
- human-machine interfaces
- active upper-limb prostheses (see "Federica hand" project web page)
Emilio Andreozzi is inventor of the international patent "PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETER SENSING SYSTEMS AND METHODS" (WO/2021/072493).
He authored more than 20 research articles on international scientific journals.
He served as reviewer for the following international journals:
- Scientific Data (Nature Publishing Group, ISSN: 2052-4463, Impact Factor: 8.501)
- Sensors (MDPI, ISSN: 1424-3210, Impact Factor: 3.847)
- Frontiers in Veterinary Science (Frontiers, ISSN: 2297-1769, Impact Factor: 3.471)
- Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Frontiers, ISSN: 2296-9144)
- Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier, ISSN: 0045-7906, Impact Factor: 4.152)
- Applied Sciences (MDPI, ISSN: 2076-3417, Impact Factor: 2.838)
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI, ISSN: 1660-4601, Impact Factor: 4.614)
- Heliyon (Elsevier, ISSN: 2405-8440, Impact Factor: 3.776)
Profile links
He served as Guest Editor for the special issue "Smart Sensing Systems for Health Monitoring" of the Sensors journal (MDPI).
Emilio Andreozzi currently holds the chair of the course "Fundamentals of Bioengineering", within the BSc. course in Biomedical Engineering at the "Federico II" University of Naples.
He carried out supplementary teaching activities for the following courses:
- "Biomedical Instrumentation" (MSc. in Biomedical Engineering)
- "Fundamentals of Clinical Engineering" (MSc. in Biomedical Engineering)
- "Instrumentation and Clinical Engineering" (MSc. in Biomedical Engineering)
- "Computer Interfaces for Biological Systems" (Msc. in Industrial Bioengineering)
- "Biomedical data and signal processing" (BSc. in Biomedical Engineering)
He has tutored more than 20 MSc. and Bsc. theses in Biomedical Engineering and Industrial Bioengineering.