Cosmo Furno Palumbo

- Indirizzo:
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione
Via Claudio, 21
80125 - Napoli
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- Telefono:
- +39 (0)81 7683809
- Fax:
- +39 (0)81 7683804
- Curriculum Vitae:
Cosmo Furno Palumbo was born in Formia (LT, Italy) in 1970 and lives in Gaeta, where he got his High School diploma in 1988.
He always had an interest in electronics and computers; in 1990 he got a degree in "Computer Programming" at the center for professional education "3Bit" in Formia. Periodically he attends professional update courses within the sector of Information Technology.
From 1991 to 1994 he worked with the firm Computer Center of Gaeta; he was in charge of Hardware and Software Assistance.
From 1994 as an indipendent professional, he began to cooperate with Universities and research agencies, such as: the University of Naples Federico II, the Second University of Naples, the CNR, the Italian Section of Combustion Institute, the Papal Library "S.Tommaso" of the Facoltà di Teologia dell'Italia Meridionale, the Consorzio NETTUNO, the Foundation "P. Piovani" per gli Studi Vichiani, etc..
From September 2000, he is in charge as Laboratory Technician for the Biomedical Unit of the actual DIETI - Department of Electric Engineering and the Information Technologies.
More than the institutional activities, he participated to several national and international research projects.
He is the webmaster of the website of the course in Biomedical Engineering (; in the past he was the webmaster of several other institutions' web sites such as the AIIMB - the Italian Association of Medical and Biological Engineering.
He is an hamradio that in the free time studied and experimented topics related to radio communications. He is also collaborating with hamradio's magazines.