Antonietta Perrone
- Ruolo:
- PhD External Research Partner
- Indirizzo:
A.O.U. Federico II
Via S. Pansini, 5
80131 - Napoli
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- Curriculum Vitae:
Antonietta Perrone, in December 2010 she graduated in Biomedical Engineering, with 110/110 cum laude.
She specialized in Clinical Engineering, with a second level university degree from the Higher Studies in Clinical Engineering of the University of Trieste.
She is a PhD in Economics and Management of Companies and Healthcare Organizations. She is a first degree Qualified Expert and Laser Safety Officer of the A.O.U. Frederico II.
She is currently Director of the Operational Management, Clinical Engineering and HTA, Information Systems and ICT of the A.O.U. Frederico II.
She is a member of the "Carlo Romano" Ethics Committee of the Federico II University of Naples as an expert in medical devices.
She is a member of the “medical devices” working group of the Campania Region and of the HTA Coordination Unit as an expert in clinical engineering.
She was appointed member of the Technical Health Committee (cts) by Decree of the Ministry of Health of 26 September 2018.
Her career is characterized by constant didactic activity, numerous scientific qualifications and participation in national and international conferences and congresses, as speaker and moderator. In addition, some of her scientific contributions are the subject of original publications and scientific awards conferred by the Italian Association of Clinical Engineers (AIIC).
Main publications:
- "Digital Health - As app, telemedicine, artificial intelligence are redesigning health care". E-book by Antonietta Perrone and Paola Cosmai - EAN: 9788821773624
- "Bleeding management in patients on new oral anticoagulants", pages: 884 - 894, publication date: August 2016, Minerva Anestiesiologica Magazine 11084 - ISSN 0375-9393, in collaboration with 3 authors: M. VARGAS, A. MARRA, G. SERVILLO
- "Airway Management During Tracheostomy", Chapter XIII, pag: 119 - 130, Percutaneous Tracheostomy in Critically Ill Patients edited by Servillo, Pelosi - Springer Editors 2016 ISBN 978-3-319-22300-1, in collaboration with n.2 authors: M. VARGAS, G. SERVILLO
- "Discrete event simulation model for a ward", pages: 48-53, publication date: June 2015, Hospital Technical Review, Number six, in collaboration with 9 authors: A. Torri, N. Guarino, A. Pepino, L. Guardato, O. Tamburis, A. Mazzitelli, G. D'Onofrio, G. Di Martino, D. Borrelli